"Creativity is contagious, pass it on." ~Albert Einstein

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I Coded. I'm Hooked. Here Are My Favorite Coding Apps.

So I tried this coding thing.  I saw it all over the Twitters last year,  "Parcipate in the #hourofcode!" "Your students will love it!" "Every student in my classroom was engaged."

But I didn't get it.

When I saw the word "coding" my mind flashed back to seeing images of computer programs from the late 80's and early 90's.

After a friendly suggestion by Heather Callihan to "just try it with one class and see what you think," I downloaded the Kodable app onto a classroom set of iPads in Holly Hudson's Kindergarten.  

Now I keep asking myself, "What were you thinking?" when it came to not choosing to show the basics of coding with our students any sooner!

What an amazing experience I had last week having our students participate in the #hourofcode.

If we as educators want students to challenge our students to think deeper and more critically, they need to be coding.   If we want students to be better problem solvers, then we need to be coding with them.   What I witnessed last week was a way of thinking that doesn't happen enough in our classrooms.  We need to make it happen more and coding can serve as the catalyst.

So I challenge you to download the apps listed below. Yes, I know some of them are pretty basic when it comes to coding, but I think it builds a firm foundation in getting kids to "see" the bigger picture and maybe even pique some interest into a possible career in computer engineering.

Try to find a way to integrate them into a lesson.  I sure am glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone!

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authorHusband, Dad, Son, Brother, Teacher, Coach, Learner, Catalyst, Collaborator, Creator, Contributor, EdTecher, DIYer, Tinkerer, Golfer, Exerciser, Gardener.

