"Creativity is contagious, pass it on." ~Albert Einstein

Monday, March 31, 2014

Calling All App Smashers!

I have been feeling a bit guilty lately about my inability to consistently push out a blog post or two during the week.  I won't use the "time" excuse that I hear too often, I am simply just shutting down during some evenings of the week and leaving my computer alone.  Not a bad thing, right?

Okay, so here's the deal.  I want to create a blogging challenge (to force me to blog more) in which we can share some of the App Smashing that is happening in your classrooms/schools. What is App Smashing (or App Synergy as Lisa Johnson calls it)?   It's a term coined by Greg Kuloweic in which you use multiple apps on the iPad to create one product." I used to call it "App Blending" when I first started doing it, but "App Smashing" just sounds so much cooler!  I love App Smashing because it allows for a ton of creativity in the classroom and it fosters higher level thinking from your students.

I'm gonna use the NCAA Basketball tournament and the Final Four as our theme and motivation (I just want to force myself to blog FOUR days in a row!)  If you choose to participate in the challenge, please share your blog post or Tweet with your particular App Smash recipe that you enjoy using with students, use as an assignment, or one that your students have used, including the #appsmash4 hashtag.  This challenge will start tomorrow and end on Friday.

It doesn't have to be earth shattering. Remember, what you think as menial could be magnificent to another teacher! One or two apps is fine, but I would love to see some of the smashes you have that involve 4-5 apps.  

I will get the smashing started with one of my favorite App Smashes.  I used it in an App Task Challenge that I created for teachers and it is a very easy smash to use!  Students love it! No, yours don't have to be in the format you see below, just share your recipe with us and your successes (an example would be great as well)! 

Good luck!  Tune into the #appsmash4 hashtag throughout the week to see what the Twitterverse is sharing.  Thanks for participating!

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authorHusband, Dad, Son, Brother, Teacher, Coach, Learner, Catalyst, Collaborator, Creator, Contributor, EdTecher, DIYer, Tinkerer, Golfer, Exerciser, Gardener.

