"Creativity is contagious, pass it on." ~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Creating Avatars with Doodlebuddy App

One of the first things kids want to do after signing up for Edmodo or KidBlog (and other accounts that allow avatars) is to customize their avatars.  If only I had a dollar for every time I heard a student say, "Mr. Badura, how do we change our picture?" 

I'm not comfortable having students place images of themselves online, especially at the elementary level, so why not have student create avatars of themselves using the Doodlebuddy app?  Here is how you do it:

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authorHusband, Dad, Son, Brother, Teacher, Coach, Learner, Catalyst, Collaborator, Creator, Contributor, EdTecher, DIYer, Tinkerer, Golfer, Exerciser, Gardener.

