"Creativity is contagious, pass it on." ~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Story Starter Generator

Having a hard time coming up with new writing prompts for your classes? Tired of the same ones year after year?   Give the Scholastic Story Starters Adventure Generator a try.  What I like about using this generator is that it works great with your interactive whiteboard and the prompts are broken specifically by grade levels (K-1, 2, 3 and 4-6).
Have your students come up and pick from one of the four themes, enter your class name, choose your grade level, click the spin lever and away you go! You can always choose to re-spin one of the wheels if you don't like the word/description that appears.  Need more ideas on how to use the story starter?  Just click on the "Teacher's Guide" in the upper right hand corner to see what Scholastic has to offer for lesson ideas.  Try it with your students next time you do a writing project. Your students will love it!

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