"Creativity is contagious, pass it on." ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Edcamp is Coming!

Get ready for a great learning experience!  Edcamp is coming to Central Nebraska!

Maggie Mintken, Assistant Principal at Grand Island Senior High, and I had a great discussion this summer as a result of her first Edcamp experience in Omaha last spring that was organized by Josh Allen.  We recognized the need for a "workshop by educators, for educators" in Central Nebraska. We put our heads together along with Deanna Stall, Tech Integration Specialist with ESU10 in Kearney, and we have set the date for the first Edcamp in Central Nebraska.   Here are the details:
Saturday, October 20th
Grand Island Senior High
2124 N Lafayette
Registration begins at 8:00 am
Sessions start at 9:00 am

So you might be wondering, what is an Edcamp? As educators we all have attended regular conferences with keynote speakers, breakout sessions and a grandiose vendor hall packed with all sorts of gizmos and gadgets that you can buy to take back to your classroom.  Well, an Edcamp is the complete opposite.  It is driven by the educators that are attending.  That's YOU! There is no set agenda as you arrive.  Before the first session is to begin, the session topics are created by teachers volunteering to lead sessions on something they feel others might want to learn more about.  The best part is that it is FREE!

I attended my first Edcamp two years ago and consider it one of the most powerful learning experiences I have had as an educator.  Don't take my word for it.  Here are some other educators' reviews after attending an Edcamp:

Mark the date on your calendars!  We are currently working on a website that will contain more information for Edcamp Central Nebraska.  If you are on Twitter, we will be using the hashtag #edcampcentralNE.   Tell a colleague and be sure to include your administrative team.

You will walk away from your first Edcamp with a burning desire to get back to your classroom.  I know I did!

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