Two years ago I walked into Dr. Mike Lucas's office expecting an interview for a Middle School Geography position and walked out as the K-5 Media/Technology Integration Specialist! Talk about a major career change! I had taught Social Studies the last 11 years and now I was going to be running the media center AND teaching students and teachers how to effectively use technology! Wow!
Recently, I accepted the position of PK-12 Technology Integration Specialist for Aurora Public Schools. Leaving the #yorkdukes was a very hard decision for me, but it was the right one as my family (wife, daughter and son) are all associated with the Huskies. Family is very important to me and it was the right decision. Yes, I am giving up a great position, but I believe I am taking a position that will allow me to grow even further as an educator. Aurora is a very progressive school district that I am excited to join.
This whole process was solidified by a quote I heard during our Pastor's sermon last Sunday:
"We make progress when we are willing to make changes."
This quote can be directly tied to education. Change is tough, plain and simple! It is very easy to continue doing the same thing year after year in your classroom, but are you really providing the best opportunities/experiences for your students? If not, perhaps you should consider changing what you are doing.
In closing, I would like to thank the administration, teachers, paraprofessionals, students and parents of York Public Schools. You have made me a better educator through the various experiences that I have had as a member of your team. I think we did some pretty amazing things in my two short years here. I leave you with this wonderful, student created video that was played for me on my last day! Thank you Lindsey, Aislinn, Lillian and Abbey!
Awesome Craig. Good luck on your adventure at Aurora!