Let me introduce you to Mr. Badura's "Digital Citizenship Survival Kit." Each of the items has a purpose. We spend a considerable amount of time addressing Digital Citizenship at Aurora Public Schools and I truly believe we are preparing students for their lives in the digital world.
Here are the items I have in my "Digital Citizenship Survival Kit" and what each item represents:
The padlock is to remind students to set strong passwords and to set up passcode locks on all of their digital devices. "Lock 'em down" as we like to say in our Digital Citizenship lessons.
I tell students to think that passwords and toothbrushes are very similar in the fact that you NEVER want to share passwords. (I do highly encourage/recommend that students to share passwords with parents)
Permanent Marker
Everything that you put online is permanent....even if you hit the delete button after posting. Odds are someone has retweeted, favorited, or taken a screenshot of the material if it was questionable.
Imagine the information that you are putting online is like the toothpaste coming out of the tube. Once it is out, it is almost impossible to get it all back in the tube! (Thanks to @Mandery for that prop idea!)
The survival kit is very simple. It has been a very effective prop in getting students to think about their online behavior.
I would love to hear suggestions you might have to make my Digital Citizenship Survival Kit even better.
I love this idea! I may have to borrow it for a presentation to my 8th graders. I love props, too:)
ReplyDeleteSuch a clever idea! I shared this with my Twitter PLN and will be sharing with my pre-service teachers. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea! I thought you had the toothpaste there to remind them to use appropriate langage - keep it clean!. Guess that shows you what era I'm from! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWhat an excellent idea! I used it with a presentation to students in grades 7-9 and it was very well received. I like how it gave me an anchor for the rest of the talk that I gave - I would refer back to the lock, to the toothpaste and I believe the visual help reinforce the ideas in the students' minds.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea! I thought you had the toothpaste there to remind them to use appropriate langage - keep it clean!. Guess that shows you what era I'm from! ;-)
ReplyDeletesurvival kit
Will definitely use this,Thx!
ReplyDeleteI love the toothpaste idea, but you might add a small bar of soap to remind students to keep it clean!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this idea! The use of props the my 8th graders can relate to is great! The soap is an awesome addition. My idea is to add a small measure tape with a quote from the English historian Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859). "The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he know he would never be found out." Then I would add, "Make sure your character measures up...online and off!!"
ReplyDeleteI love this idea... I think I may change the toothbrush to a house key for my elementary students to signify how they should share it with the trusted adults in their home (parents). They may understand this a bit easier... Thank you for the wonderful idea...
ReplyDeleteI think this is a great idea - Maybe you can add a picture of your grandmother - don't post anything you wouldn't be happy for her to see.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to teach students digital citizenship! I am going to borrow this and share it with my teachers!
ReplyDeleteSo going to use this. What a great idea!
ReplyDeleteVery clever! I like the way you think.
ReplyDeleteit's great, maybe you can add also a coffee-filter, because we have to filter online content to our need's, and many other reasons.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this wonderful idea.
ReplyDeleteMaybe a band aide to remind them not to beat people up with their words
ReplyDeleteLove it!
DeleteThis is a super cool and creative idea! Thanks a lot for sharing it !
ReplyDeleteI love this! Taking it a step further, I want to use it as a bulletin board display in my jr. high/high school library. I will display each item and explain why it's important. It's a good reminder for everyone!
ReplyDeleteGreat kit! I'm trying to think of something to add for "ask before you take someone's photo or publish someone's photo. Maybe a band aide - you wouldn't reach over and put a band aide on someone without asking.
ReplyDeleteThis is great idea . Another idea. Just like we need to clean our teeth, we need to keep our computer clean. Keep virus protection up to date and don't download any dubious files attached to messages or emails.
ReplyDeleteI like the soap to "Keep it Clean" and maybe add a small locked diary to remind them some things are private and shouldn't be shared publicly?
ReplyDeleteSharing this at a workshop. Thanks Craig!
ReplyDeleteWould it contain different artifacts if your audience was composed of teachers,,,, pondering this,, let me know what you think, please. - Shae
ReplyDeleteI believe that the artifacts are then reinforced for proper claim...?
DeleteI might add a large pink eraser explaining that once your information is out there you are not able to "erase" or get rid of it in cyberspace! Love these ideas and will be using them; adapting to a K-5 curriculum level.
ReplyDeleteUse a cotton ball to keep your comments, words "soft and gentle" instead of band-aide "owe" type of comments.